Target | Indicator | Result |
4.1 By 2030, ensure that all girls and boys complete free, equitable and quality primary and secondary education leading to relevant and effective learning outcomes | 4.1.1 Proportion of children and young people (a) in grades 2/3; (b) at the end of primary; and (c) at the end of lower secondary achieving at least a minimum proficiency level in (i) reading and (ii) mathematics, by sex | This project contributes to increasing the proportion of children and young people achieving at least a minimum proficiency level in mathematics (SDG 4.1.1) in two ways. First, it directly delivers high-quality mathematics education to students through engaging and enjoyable learning activities. Second, it supports the development of essential skills in future mathematics teachers, creating a positive ripple effect that enhances mathematics education throughout Thailand. |
The “Igniting Brilliance in You Camp” is a longstanding extracurricular math camp for highschool students, led by mathematics education undergraduate students. Now in its 20th year, it underscores the Department of Mathematics’s continuous commitment to providing equitable and high-quality mathematics education across Thailand, aligning with UN Sustainable Development Goal 4.
This year, the camp was held at Maneeyakhet King Piya School in Kanchanaburi, where students engaged in interactive and enjoyable learning activities. Through hands-on experiences, the camp aimed to demonstrate the relevance and practicality of mathematics, fostering positive attitudes and encouraging students to apply their knowledge in real-world contexts.
Beyond student development, the project focuses on professional growth of future mathematics teachers. The camp was organized in every step by aspiring mathematics educators - from planning to executing. This hands-on experience provides them with valuable opportunities to develop essential competencies for effective instruction and collaboration within communities.
The project has seen remarkable success over the years. Feedback from students consistently highlights a deeper understanding of mathematical concepts and a newfound appreciation for their practical applications. Additionally, many aspiring educators have expressed that the hands-on experience has significantly enhanced their teaching skills and ability to engage with students. The camp not only cultivates a love for mathematics among young learners but also empowers future teachers to become effective educators, contributing to the overall improvement of mathematics education in Thailand.