
Tuberculosis Control For The Residents Lived At Home For Person And Children With Disabilities In Nonthaburi

Target Indicator Result
3.3 By 2030, end the epidemics of AIDS, tuberculosis, malaria and neglected tropical diseases and combat hepatitis, water-borne diseases and other communicable diseases 3.3.2 Tuberculosis incidence per 100,000 population PCMC provides onsite pulmonary tuberculosis screening for 1,712 residents living in these homes. Unfortunately, 147 people have documented abnormal chest x-ray and later proceeded to further investigation in the hospital.

Hard-to-reach populations often have specific risky factors which render them more exposure and vulnerability to an infection with Mycobacterium tuberculosis which may later actively develop tuberculosis disease (TB). With additional cooperation of the Panyananthaphikkhu Chonprathan Medical Center (PCMC) medical personnel, staff members from 15 homes for person and children with disabilities in Pak Kret, Nonthaburi jointly have activities regarding rapid identification of the source of transmission and contact investigation in settings around the primary case which are essential to stop disease transmission.

Working together, standard procedure in case-detection was established and Directly Observed Treatment (DOT) with anti-tuberculosis drug was introduced. Expecting better level of treatment, compliance has been established for the control of TB incidents affecting these vulnerable people.

Impact Level

1. These unprivileged populations face major challenges in accessing health care and in adhering to TB treatment such as unstable accommodation and difficulties with transportation. The difficulties also encompass an access to healthcare, limited opening hours of testing centers, the cost of testing and the lengthy duration of treatment. PCMC provides onsite pulmonary tuberculosis screening for 1,712 residents living in these homes. Unfortunately, 147 people have documented abnormal chest x-ray and later proceeded to further investigation in the hospital.
2. Whilst high TB rate is a significant incidence in medium-low income countries, multidrug-resistance-tuberculosis has re-emerged as an important problem in Thailand, especially among vulnerable populations. Groups whose socioeconomic conditions or lifestyle make it difficult to access to health services. Striving for equitable access to TB care, this project was established to make progress towards TB elimination nationally.

Good coordination between health service team and the authorities in congregated places was a new impetus to TB Control
Good coordination between health service team and the authorities in congregated places was a new impetus to TB Control
Public health guidance on TB control  was communicating with shelter’s staff
Public health guidance on TB control was communicating with shelter’s staff
Activities included awareness raising and having the knowledge of the signs and symptoms of tuberculosis
Activities included awareness raising and having the knowledge of the signs and symptoms of tuberculosis
All learners acquired the knowledge and confident skills to detect the new case.
All learners acquired the knowledge and confident skills to detect the new case.
ศูนย์การแพทย์ปัญญานันทภิกขุ ชลประทาน มหาวิทยาลัยศรีนครินทรวิโรฒ
Ms. Yotsawadee Arunrat
4 Dec 20 10:42