Target | Indicator | Result |
3.4 By 2030, reduce by one third premature mortality from non-communicable diseases through prevention and treatment and promote mental health and well-being | 3.4.1 Mortality rate attributed to cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes or chronic respiratory disease |
The quality of life and physical performance are indicators, which related to the rate of illness or improved health of elderly in the community. Recently, rate of illness and dying of elderly from NCDs has been no increased (0% changed). In addition, the better nutrition, health behavior and physical health status of the elderly in the community are an indicator of a better quality of life. Moreover, the sustainable health behavior management, a community-based NCDs managements’ network of the elderly has provided. |
“Prototype community network in geriatric care” was a community service project hosted by the Faculty of Physical Therapy, Srinakharinwirot University (SWU) for the second year. This project aimed to provide the knowledge regarding geriatric care for community volunteers, elderly people, in order to facilitate the collaboration on geriatric care among these target populations in the form of community network where the educational institute is the consulting partner. Two main activities were conducted at several locations in the suburban community, including Faculty of Physical Therapy SWU, Khamane-phangtai health promotion hospital Pho Thaen subdistrict at Nakhon nayok province, and Banmaithia-pattana temple at Sa kaeo province. Activity 1 was analysis of health behavior by using a questionnaire on three aspects of health behavior, which consist of nutrition, stress relief and exercise and measured the health condition such as blood pressure, waist circumference. The activity was carried out to create the training program about NCDs’ geriatric care for in geriatric wellbeing, including, nutrition, stress relief and exercise for elderly, the that was appropriate for those in the community network, Nakhon nayok. The duration of this activity was from 13 December 2019 to 30 June 2020. Activity 2 involved the physical therapy and health promotion service of the target population, including elderly persons, family members and community volunteers, Sa Kaeo on 14-15 December 2019 and 13-14 July 2020.
1. Community level
The geriatric training program was carried out in 2 locations, resulting in 76 attendances who received the training for changing the health behavior of elderly in the community.
2. Economical level
The elderly persons and community volunteers applied the knowledge in three aspects of health behavior, which consist of nutrition, stress relief and exercise for NCDs geriatric. The resulting in improving the health behavior and physical health status is a reduction in medical expenses.
3. Social level
The elderly and community volunteer had more knowledge and understandings in improving the health behavior, which produce the wellbeing and reduce the complications from NCDs. Moreover, the project has created a health care network for the elderly in the community, which is a community-based non-communicable disease management in the elderly.