Target | Indicator | Result |
4.c By 2030, substantially increase the supply of qualified teachers, including through international cooperation for teacher training in developing countries, especially least developed countries and small island developing States | 4.c.1 Proportion of teachers in: (a) pre-primary; (b) primary; (c) lower secondary; and (d) upper secondary education who have received at least the minimum organized teacher training (e.g. pedagogical training) pre-service or in-service required for teaching at the relevant level in a given country |
1) By 2021, the 40 primary and lower secondary school teachers have finished pedagogical training related to special education, learning psychology, counseling, and care 2) By 2021, the 30 directors of primary and lower secondary school are also received the pedagogical training related to special education, psychology, and care training |
Special Education and Care Certificate Program was established to help teachers who have
experience in other teaching disciplines earn the qualifications necessary to teach disabled students.
Students must be bachelor's degree holders, often with teaching experience and a basic teaching
certification. The certificate prepares teachers to individualize lesson plans and instruction to meet the
needs of those with varying disabilities.
This Certificate program is funded by Educational Promotion and Development Fund for
Handicapped under Office of Basic Education Commission (OBEC), aiming to provide an in-service
training for updating teachers’ skills and knowledge in Special Education. Educational Promotion and
Development Fund for Handicapped is offering 70 fully funded scholarships, academic year 2021
for teachers under Ministry of Education who are teaching students with disabilities.
NOTE: the 70 graduates of the program would benefit approximately 2,000 students in the Bangkok metropolitan and nearby provinces each year.