Target | Indicator | Result |
5.6 Ensure universal access to sexual and reproductive health and reproductive rights as agreed in accordance with the Programme of Action of the International Conference on Population and Development and the Beijing Platform for Action and the outcome documents of their review conferences | 5.6.1 Proportion of women aged 15 49 years who make their own informed decisions regarding sexual relations, contraceptive use and reproductive health care | The public see different sides of teenage mothers, their struggles to become good mothers, cultural conditions that limit their capacities, and the areas that government provides interventions. The 16 women are well prepared and can reduce the negative stigma toward teenage mothers or women who were teenage mothers. Additionally, this project hopes that the results will reduce the negative labels toward teenage mothers in Thai society and allow them to access proper reproductive and sexual healthcare. |
Even though under the Prevention and Solution of Adolescent Pregnancy Problem Act, B.E. 2559 (2016), abortion is made legal for women between age 10 – 19, Thai culture still hold negative views toward teenage mothers. This prevents many unplanned teenage mothers from accessing proper sexual and reproductive health. Additionally, many are afraid to go to a hospital for fear of being stigmatized by their peers or people in their social group, especially in small communities. As a result, this project was aimed to show a different perspective of teenage mothers. The project is based on the notion that Thai society generally categorized teenage mothers as “problems” without understanding their contexts. Some teenage mothers can raise their children with support from the family or their significant other. However, labeling them as “problem”, prevents them from reaching their potential and limit them within society. At times, it can limit their access to proper healthcare and force them to rely on unprofessional help such as advice from the internet or using unsafe abortion methods. This can lead to more harm for society and teenage mothers. Therefore, this project aims to show different sides of some teenage mothers and their struggles to become mothers within Thai culture. The researchers hope that people in the community will change their perspectives toward this group of mothers, which in turn, shape the societal perception toward teenage mothers. This should lessen their burden and empower them. Furthermore, new teenage mothers may feel less pressure to go to the hospital and receive proper healthcare.
The impact of this project may be generalized to a local level. it is a qualitative study with a group of key informants. However, a small part of this project attempt to analyze the impacts of the Prevention and Solution of Adolescent Pregnancy Problem Act, B.E. 2559 on the national level as well and suggest improvement toward the next future.