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Hu Academic Service For The Elderly In Nakhon Nayok

Target Indicator Result
4.4 By 2030, substantially increase the number of youth and adults who have relevant skills, including technical and vocational skills, for employment, decent jobs and entrepreneurship 4.4.1 Proportion of youth and adults with information and communications technology (ICT) skills, by type of skill One hundred and four adults know how to use social platforms as LINE Open chat, be aware of internet fraud and demonstrate some teenage slang. Eighty six teenagers realize the importance of communication with the elderly and collaborating with others to gain human skills to benefit their future employment.

Thailand has entered the elderly society for a couple of years. It means that there will be more and more elderly. Therefore, we must realize how to adapt ourselves to be with them and help them to be economically independent, especially the elderly in the upcountry area. This task is integrated into the project for students in ELC342 leadership skills. The project-based learning can help the students to create meaningful activities for the elderly in society. Eighty-six undergraduate students from the language for career program planned and outlined activities according to essential skills in society. They used the organizational chart to help them deligated the work and their preferences. They learned how to work in a team and handle obstacles. On the activity day, the students arranged the activities at Sarika subdistrict administrative organization in Nakhon Nayok province. The activities were related to teenage-language communication tasks, IT skills with online fake news tasks and how to create LINE Openchat. There were five stations for all the activites. One hundred and four adults from the subdistrict were divided into five groups to rotate and participate in each station. After the elderly finished the activities, they had to demonstrate how to use the teenage language in a group, avoid fake news and create LINE Openchat. The students and elderly were asked to complete the satisfaction questionnaire afterwards.

Impact Level

For the undergraduate students, they reflected from the open-ended questionnaire that they know how to work as a team. They valued the importance of communication among themselves and the elderly. As a result, they gained the interpersonal skills they could apply to their lifelong learning and future career. For the elderly, they enjoyed interacting with teenagers and also learning new terms of language and technology. It could help the elderly to communicate with others and increase the chance to make a living online by promoting the local product via LINE Openchat in the future.
For regional and national impact, at least, the active elderly could improve their IT skills on social media to fulfill their life. Moreover, this could help them to find a way to open the market online for the local products.

Introducing the team and project objectives
Introducing the team and project objectives
Welcoming the team by the authority
Welcoming the team by the authority
Getting to know each other and giving the props for the activities
Getting to know each other and giving the props for the activities
Explaining the effective communication via social platforms
Explaining the effective communication via social platforms
Before moving around and joining each activity base
Before moving around and joining each activity base
Guessing the teenage slang and how to use it  in the context
Guessing the teenage slang and how to use it in the context
Drawing and guessing the teenage slang
Drawing and guessing the teenage slang
Sharing greeting and basic vocabulary in Southeast Asia
Sharing greeting and basic vocabulary in Southeast Asia
Expressing appreciation through the lens
Expressing appreciation through the lens