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Home Isolation And Telemedicine During The New Wave Of Covid-19 Pandemic

Target Indicator Result
3.8 Achieve universal health coverage, including financial risk protection, access to quality essential health-care services and access to safe, effective, quality and affordable essential medicines and vaccines for all 3.8.1 Coverage of essential health services (defined as the average coverage of essential services based on tracer interventions that include reproductive, maternal, newborn and child health, infectious diseases, non-communicable diseases and service capacity and access, among the general and the most disadvantaged population) In 2022, there were 5,064 COVID-19 infected patients participated in telemedicine cases and 1,235 of them were in remission (99.94%). Only 3 patients were relocated to other areas and lost of contact

At the end of 2021, there was a return of the 2019 coronavirus pandemic. The cumulation of infected people who were detected by self- ATK had increased while most were asymptomatic patients or those with mild symptoms. Previously, all infected patients had to be admitted to a hospital or field hospital, regardless of symptoms, in order to ensure they receive proper care as well as to control the spread of the virus.

To alleviate the burden on the hospitals, Home isolation (HI) was a suitable option for asymptomatic patients as well as patients who had mild symptom were able to take care of themselves while isolating from other members of their household. Once a COVID-19 infected patient has been diagnosed, family doctors from PCMC will assess the condition of patient and register them as being infected with COVID-19. Patients must agree to strictly isolate themselves from others. Telemedicine service were adopted to these simple and uncomplicated patients because patients who isolated a home may need advice or have questions about isolating at home in order to take good care of their health via mobile phone and applications such as A-MED. Our well-trained doctors and family medicine healthcare team were operating this daily round via tele service. Also, we supplied medications such as paracetamol, cough medicines, nasal decongestants, as well as providing medical equipment, such as a thermometer and pulse oximeter to monitor body temperature and oxygen level in addition to teaching patients how to use the equipment properly. Patients reported their well-being daily to healthcare personnel through telemedicine. We created a plan for hospital transfer incase the patient’s condition deteriorates.

Impact Level

1. During November 2021 – April 2022, there were 5,064 COVID-19 cases who were responsible for our PCMC primary care. Of these, 99.94 % (5,061) of the infected cases received full care 0.06 % (3) of the cases did not receive full care due to PCMC primary care not being able to contact the infected patients
2. 16 patients (0.31%) were referred to hospital due to deteriorated disease while
monitoring at home.
3. 91.2% of patients rate our HI service satisfactory.

Home-isolation program which we used was developed by DEPARTMENT OF MEDICAL SERVICES, Ministry of public health
Home-isolation program which we used was developed by DEPARTMENT OF MEDICAL SERVICES, Ministry of public health
Our well trained doctors and family medicine healthcare team will operate this daily round via tele services (via LINE application and telephone)
Our well trained doctors and family medicine healthcare team will operate this daily round via tele services (via LINE application and telephone)
Our well trained doctors and family medicine healthcare team will operate this daily round via tele services (via LINE application and telephone)
Our well trained doctors and family medicine healthcare team will operate this daily round via tele services (via LINE application and telephone)
Our well trained doctors and family medicine healthcare team will operate this daily round via tele services (via LINE application and telephone)
Our well trained doctors and family medicine healthcare team will operate this daily round via tele services (via LINE application and telephone)
We supplied medications (paracetamol, cough medicines, nasal decongestants), as well as providing medical equipment (a thermometer, pulse oximeter) to daily monitor their well being
We supplied medications (paracetamol, cough medicines, nasal decongestants), as well as providing medical equipment (a thermometer, pulse oximeter) to daily monitor their well being
We supplied medications (paracetamol, cough medicines, nasal decongestants), as well as providing medical equipment (a thermometer, pulse oximeter) to daily monitor their well being
We supplied medications (paracetamol, cough medicines, nasal decongestants), as well as providing medical equipment (a thermometer, pulse oximeter) to daily monitor their well being
ศูนย์การแพทย์ปัญญานันทภิกขุ ชลประทาน มหาวิทยาลัยศรีนครินทรวิโรฒ
Ms. Yotsawadee Arunrat
30 Oct 23 13:59