Target | Indicator | Result |
This project was organized by the civil society process concept called “BOR WORN” which means home, temple and school (HTS) that leads main community institutions, namely 1) social institution that includes village headman, sub-district administrative organization members, farmers and B.Grimm Mushroom Farming Group 2) religious institution that includes abbots and monks at B.Grimm Temple and 3) educational institution that includes teachers and students at B.Grimm School and Ban Nong Yai School to become strategies for community development through the most appropriate technology for social environment and culture. This is to utilize technology within community without having subject specialists.
Biodiesel production is composed of water tank, faucet, mixing tank, boiler, PVC pipe, glove, methyl alcohol, Sodium Hydroxide, thermometer, etc. However, these pieces of equipment are accessible and easy to buy. On the training day, pamphlets were provided and a vinyl banner of biodiesel production process was set up to participants, villagers at B.Grimm Temple Learning Center. Nonetheless, the villagers can witness and pay attention to learn about biodiesel production, donate used cooking oil and try out biodiesel with agricultural machinery on their own.
After the completion of the project, the participants who attended a workshop had learnt about biodiesel production process that made from used vegetable oil and could follow instructions on their own. Weerapanyo, an abbot at B.Grimm temple, applied knowledge that received from the workshop together with his own adaptation and gradually created his own. He then gave his biodiesel to farmers within community to test with their agricultural machinery, tractor, electric generator, electric motor, pumping machinery, etc., and it came out successfully as it could be used as an alternative energy.
Moreover, the participants reflexed that the use of biodiesel was not effected the cost of production when oil price increases because the first step of producing biodiesel is to get the used oil donation from community members, stores and restaurants. Furthermore, the participants can also pass on knowledge through those interested in and set products in the “Province Mobile Unit” Exhibition at B.Grimm School, Khlong Thap Chan, Aranyaprathet, Sakaeo on April 23, 2562.
In addition, the participants had an idea of agriproduct processing from students who attended SWU 374 (ETHICAL CAREERS FOR COMMUNITY) and showed participants new menus like crispy banana chili paste, steamed fish with curry paste and taro, banana cake, and banana soap.
The effects and impacts of research are
1) the community can live self-sufficiently (self-sustaining commune), reduce household expenses, reduce diesel costs by using biodiesel with a variety of engines such as pushcart, tractor, pumping machinery, electric generator and pick-up truck and
2) in case of agricultural products are oversupply, knowledge of agricultural product processing can add more sales channels, add value to products, and generate income for the community.
3) The knowledge in this project are integrated from Sufficiency Economy Guidelines Project which is King Rama 9 's science. the education is for sustainable development and national education policy.